TMD-Display View
TMD-Display View
Technical Support:
The screen contains two non-exclusive checkboxes to select how the touch panel
lock/unlock should be performed:
Figure 13
General - Touch Locking: Control.
Upon the reception of a one-bit value
1 bit object
When marked, a specific drop-down list will show up to select which value should
trigger which action (“0 = Unlock; 1 = Lock” or “0 = Lock; 1 = Unlock”). These values
are to be received through object “
[General] Lock Touch
Upon the reception of a scene value
Scene object
When marked, two specific textboxes will show up to enter the scene numbers (1 - 64)
that should trigger each action. These values are to be received through the general
[General] Scene: Receive
” object.
TMD-Display View can send a specific object (the
welcome back object
) to the KNX
bus when the user presses a touch button after a significant amount of time since the
last press. Sending it or not can also depend on an
additional, configurable
consisting in the evaluation of up to five binary objects.
Any actions that in normal operation may be executed will not be if the welcome back
object is sent to the bus. Thus, if the user presses a button and this causes the
welcome back object to be sent, the normal action of that button will not be triggered.
On the other hand, if the additional condition is not evaluated to true, the device will
react normally. Hence, the action corresponding to the button touch will be executed.
The welcome back object can consist in a
value or a
value (or both),
depending on the parameterisation.