DALIBOX Broadcast 6CH/4CH
Soporte técnico:
: allows enabling the Standby function. In such case, the following
parameter appears:
Standby Object Polarity
: sets value will be sent (through “
[Cx] Standby
”) on the activation and the deactivation of the Standby mode: “0 =
Standby Off; 1 = Standby On” or “0 = Standby On; 1 = Standby Off”.
Auto Off
: allows enabling the Auto Off function. In such case, the following
parameters will show:
Threshold Value
: dimming value (between 1% and 100%, with 10% as
the default value) beneath which the Auto Off will be triggered in case the
channel remains steady at that value for more than the threshold time.
Threshold Time
: time count before triggering the Auto Off mode, between
1-255 seconds or minutes (10 seconds by default).
: allows enabling the Burn-in function. In such case, two new objects
become available:
[Cx] Burn-in Mode (Status)
”, which will be sent when the channel enters
(value “1”) or leaves (value “0”) the Burn-in mode.
[Cx] Burn-in Mode
”, which allows forcing the activation (value “1”) or
deactivation (value “0”) of the Burn-in mode at any time, as well as
restarting the time count in case it is already active.
The following parameters will also be available:
Burn-in Time
: sets the time the Burn-in mode should last, between 1 and
255 hours (100 h by default).
Start Burn-in After Programming
: sets whether the start-up actions
configured (see section 2.2.11) should be applied the Burn-in restrictions
or not.