DALIBOX Broadcast 6CH/4CH
Soporte técnico:
Additionally, each individual step offers the following parameters:
Action n
: enables or disables step number n (with
between 1 and 5).
: analogous to the equivalent option in static scenes.
Dimming Type
“At Once”, “Dimming Time 1”, “Dimming Time 2”,
“Dimming Time 3”, “Equal to Action Time” (the transition will last for the
proportional part of the action time configured below, which is
interpreted as the length of an entire transition from 0% to 100%) and
“Dimming Throughout the Action” (the dimming speed will adapt so that
transition lasts for all the action time configured).
Action time
: defines the duration of the action, i.e., the time it will take
until the next action begins execution. The available range is 1 to 100
seconds or minutes.
in the event of an action time greater than the selected Dimming
Type time, the channel dimming level will remain unchanged until this
time is over.
Actions will be run in order (starting from the first one), once DALIBOX Broadcast 6CH
/ 4CH receives through “
[Cx] Scenes/Sequences
” the value that triggers the
sequence. Finally, if the sequence is cyclic, once the last action ends, the entire
sequence will be restarted.
An example of custom sequence configuration is shown in Figure 18.