DALIBOX Broadcast 6CH/4CH
Soporte técnico:
The general configuration for each output channel involves the following options:
Dimming times
: the dimming time is the length of the transition from
switched off (0%) to the maximum luminosity level (100%), which determines
the speed of the regulation.
Up to three different dimming times
can be
applied to the different orders or actions, and their values may be changed
through three communication objects (one per each dimming time).
in case of configuring dimming limits (see section 2.2.2), the dimming
times will be applied as follows:
Transitions between 0% and the minimum dimming value will be
Transitions between the minimum dimming value and the maximum
dimming value will take the proportional part of the parameterised dimming
time (which must be understood as the time corresponding to the entire
transition from 0% to 100%).
Bus failure
: it is important to distinguish between the two bus failure types:
KNX bus failure
: during the absence of the KNX bus, DALIBOX
Broadcast 6CH/4CH will keep powering the DALI channels (even if the
external power LED indicator remains off), thus making the ballast remain
in the last dimming level. Note that timed actions will be stopped and will
not be resumed when the KNX bus voltage is recovered.
DALI bus failure
: this may happen if communication errors take place
between the device and the ballasts, which may be due to
in the channel or to a
power supply failure
. In such cases, the ballasts
will adopt a customisable dimming value named as
dimming value
during DALI bus failure
: it is possible to configure a set of custom functions per channel: