Airplane Flight Manual Zenith STOL CH 750
Issued: 01.02.2020
Revision 0, Dat. 01.02.2020
Page 89-93
In case the cowling has to be removed, set propeller in a convenient
direction, gently open the top fasteners with a screw driver. If the
fasteners are stick, move the cowling half a little bit so that the
fasteners become straight to pull them out. Remove the top-half
always first. Support always lower half by a stand. Before removing
lower half, unplug the landing light. Remove fasteners of lower half.
To re-cowl proceed the other way round. Do not forget to reconnect
the landing light.
Use fastener size as stated here:
Horizontal line PIC from forward to aft: 220/220/220/220//220/240
Horizontal line PAX from forward to aft: 220/220/220/220//220/260
Vertical line from up to down:
Windows line from left to right:
Clean all frontal surfaces (wing leading edge, struts, jury struts,
propeller, nose and main gear etc.) with water and a sponge. The dry
it with a buckskin after every flight.
Clean the front/side window and the doors with water and soft towels
only! Use specific soft towels only for the windows. Avoid to use of
harsh or abrasive cleaners. Do not use any cleaner for the windows
to prevent blending. Specific anti-static products for acrylic and
Plexiglas are available if needed. If you drop a windows towel, put it
aside, take a new/fresh one. Clean the dropped towel thoroughly at