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Grease the heating plates with butter, margarine or other cooking fat.
Connect the device to the power source. The power light (red) (4) and the ready light (green) (5) will be on 

continuously to indicate that the power is connected. The power light (red) (4) will turn off when the waffle iron is 

heated. During operation, the lamp will turn on and off to indicate that the thermostat is working.
Close the top cover and prepare the ingredients for baking.
The temperature is regulated by setting the thermostat with the temperature adjustment knob (3). To preheat the 

hotplates, set the knob to the maximum setting (HIGH) and wait until the power lamp (red) goes out. Check the 

baking quality of the first waffles in order to modify the time or temperature settings if necessary.
Open the upper cover, place the dough on the lower heating plate and close the cover gently.
When closing and opening the lid, watch out for steam escaping from the sides of the waffle iron.
Open the top cover and remove the waffles using only a plastic or wooden spatula.
ATTENTION! Metal cutlery must not be used as it may damage the surface of the heating plates!
After cooking, remove the plug from the mains socket and allow the device to cool down completely.


Wheat flour 300 g (it is best to use light, cake flour)
Milk 375 ml
About 80 ml. of vegetable oil
3 medium eggs
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
A pinch of salt 
Optionally, you can add about 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar for better waffle flavor

Eggs and milk must be at room temperature. The milk can even be slightly heated (to about 35-45°C) to make the 

waffles come out crispy on the outside and well-baked on the inside.

Dough preparation
- Separate the egg whites and yolks from each other 
- Pour the egg whites and yolks into a separate dishes
- Pour the milk (preferably heated) and oil into the dish with the yolks, add the flour with baking powder and mix 

the whole thing thoroughly until you get a smooth dough without lumps - for this it is best to use a mixer
- Add a pinch of salt to the dish with the egg whites and whisk until stiff
- After initially beating the egg whites, add sugar and if you fancy sweeter waffles the teaspoon of vanilla sugar 

mentioned in the ingredients and beat until a fine foam forms 
- Then gradually add the beaten foam to the dough - about 1 teaspoon at a time, stirring gently all the time
- After thoroughly mixing the two previously prepared masses, the waffle dough is ready.

There is already oil in the dough, but so that the dough does not stick too much to the waffle iron’s heating plates, 

you should additionally coat it with a little oil.

When baking waffles, the waffle maker should not be opened to prevent cold air from entering the dough.
The waffles should be baked until they are lightly browned.

Summary of Contents for ZWM0012


Page 2: ...2 1 6 2 3 4 5...

Page 3: ...powiednio wykwalifikowan osob Z tego urz dzenia mog korzysta dzieci w wieku 8 lat i starsze oraz osoby o zmniejszonych zdolno ciach fizycznych czuciowych lub umys owych lub nieposiadaj ce do wiadczeni...

Page 4: zapl tany ani owini ty wok urz dzenia Nie u ywaj nie pod czaj ani nie od czaj urz dzenia od sieci maj c mokre d onie i lub stopy Nie ci gnij za przew d zasilaj cy w celu od czenia urz dzenia Nie u...

Page 5: ...odstaw urz dzenie do ca kowitego ostygni cia ZELMER POLECA PRZEPIS NA GOFRY Sk adniki M ka pszenna 300 g najlepiej u y lekkiej m ki tortowej Mleko 375 ml Oko o 80 ml oleju ro linnego 3 rednie jajka 1...

Page 6: ...hnia mo e ulec pogorszeniu i negatywnie wp yn na ywotno urz dzenia w wyniku czego mo e ono sta si niebezpieczne w u yciu UTYLIZACJA PRODUKTU To urz dzenie jest oznaczone zgodnie z Dyrektyw Europejsk 2...

Page 7: ...nce can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or inst...

Page 8: ...or wrapped around the product during use Do not use the device or connect and disconnect to the supply mains with the hands and or feet wet Do not pull on the connection cord in order to unplug it or...

Page 9: ...light cake flour Milk 375 ml About 80 ml of vegetable oil 3 medium eggs 1 2 teaspoon of baking powder 1 2 teaspoon of sugar A pinch of salt Optionally you can add about 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar for...

Page 10: ...ce it under running water It is advisable to clean the appliance regularly and remove any food remains If the appliance is not in good condition of cleanliness its surface may degrade and inexorably a...

Page 11: ...ierte Person ersetzt werden um Gefahren zu vermeiden DiesesGer tkannvonKindernab8JahrensowievonPersonen miteingeschr nktenphysischen sensorischenodergeistigen F higkeiten oder Mangel an Erfahrung und...

Page 12: ...s Ger t an das Stromnetz anschlie en vergewissern Sie sich dass die Netzspannung mit der auf dem Typenschild des Ger ts angegebenen Spannung bereinstimmt Wenn Sie das Ger t benutzen darf das Netzkabel...

Page 13: ...mpe rot erlischt berpr fen Sie die Backqualit t der ersten Waffeln um ggf die Zeit oder Temperatureinstellungen zu ndern ffnen Sie die obere Abdeckung legen Sie den Teig auf die untere Heizplatte und...

Page 14: ...ten WARTUNG UND REINIGUNG Trennen Sie das Ger t vom Stromnetz und lassen Sie es abk hlen bevor Sie es reinigen Reinigen Sie das Ger t mit einem feuchtenTuch und ein paarTropfen Sp lmittel und trocknen...

Page 15: nou kvalifikac aby se p ede lo nebezpe Tento spot ebi mohou pou vat d ti od 8 let a osoby se sn en mi fyzick mi smyslov mi nebo du evn mi schopnostmi nebo s nedostatkem zku enost a znalost pokud js...

Page 16: ...zen Nepou vejte nep ipojujte ani neodpojujte spot ebi od elektrick s t s mokr ma rukama a nebo nohama P i odpojov n p stroje netahejte za nap jec kabel Nepou vejte kabel jako rukoje Vp pad jak kolipor...

Page 17: ...ER DOPORU UJE RECEPT NA WAFLE Slo en P eni n mouka 300 g nejl pe sv tl mouka dortov mouka Ml ko 375 ml Zhruba 80 ml rostlinn ho oleje 3 st edn vejce 1 2 ajov l i ky pr ku do pe iva 1 2 l i ky cukru pe...

Page 18: ...e pod tekouc vodu Doporu ujeme spot ebi pravideln istit a odstra ovat z n j zbytky potravin Pokud nen jednotka udr ov na v istot m e doj t k po kozen povrchu a negativn mu ovlivn n ivotnosti jednotky...

Page 19: ...a predi lo nebezpe enstvu Toto zariadenie m u pou va deti vo veku 8 rokov a star ie a osoby so zn en mi fyzick mi zmyslov mi alebo du evn mi schopnos ami alebo s nedostatkom sk senost a znalost za pre...

Page 20: ...o zariadenia Zariadenie nepou vajte neprip jajte ani neodp jajte zo siete mokr mi rukami a alebo nohami Pri odp jan zariadenia ne ahajte za nap jac k bel K bel nepou vajte ako rukov V pr pade akejko v...

Page 21: ...ychladn ZELMER ODPOR A RECEPT NA VAFLE Zlo ky P eni n m ka 300 g najlep ia je ahk tortov m ka 375 ml mlieka Asi 80 ml rastlinn ho oleja 3 stredn vajcia 1 2 ly i ky pr ku do pe iva 1 2 ly i ky cukru ti...

Page 22: ...y taktie ho neumiest ujte pod te cu vodu Odpor ame aby ste zariadenie pravidelne istili a odstra ovali z neho zvy ky jedla Ak sa zariadenie neudr iava ist jeho povrch sa m e znehodnoti a nepriaznivo o...

Page 23: ...ell hogy kicser lje Eztak sz l ket8 vesvagyann lid sebbgyermekek valamint cs kkentfizikai rz kszervivagyszellemik pess gekkelvagy tapasztalat s ismeretek hi ny val rendelkez szem lyek is haszn lhatj k...

Page 24: ...szabad sszegabalyodni vagy a k sz l k k r tekerni Ne haszn lja csatlakoztassa vagy v lassza le a k sz l ket a h l zatr l nedves k zzel s vagy l bbal Ne h zza meg a t pk belt a k sz l k lev laszt s hoz...

Page 25: ...z l ket ZELMER AJ NLJA A GOFRI RECEPT sszetev k B zaliszt 300 g lehet leg k nny s tem nyliszt Tej 375 ml K r lbel l 80 ml n v nyi olaj 3 k zepes toj s 1 2 te skan l s t por 1 2 te skan l cukor Egy csi...

Page 26: ...szereket Soha ne mer tse a k sz l ket v zbe vagy m s folyad kba s ne tegye foly v z al C lszer rendszeresen tiszt tani a k sz l ket s elt vol tani r la az telmarad kokat Ha a k sz l ket nem tartja tis...

Page 27: ...ficat corespunz tor pentru a evita un pericol Acest dispozitiv poate fi utilizat de copii cu v rsta de peste 8 ani i de persoane cu abilit i fizice senzoriale sau mentale reduse sau cu lips de experie...

Page 28: ...ncurcat sau nf urat n jurul dispozitivului Nu utiliza i conecta i sau deconecta i dispozitivul de la re ea cu m inile i sau picioarele ude Nu trage i de cablul de alimentare pentru a deconecta dispozi...

Page 29: ...c complet ZELMER RECOMAND RE ET PENTRU VAFE Ingrediente f in de gr u 300 g cel mai bine este s folosi i o f in u oar de pr jituri 375 ml lapte aproximativ 80 ml ulei vegetal 3 ou medii 1 2 lingurita p...

Page 30: ...i niciodat dispozitivul n ap sau orice alt lichid i nu l pune i sub jet de ap Se recomand cur area regulat a dispozitivului i ndep rtarea reziduurilor alimentare de pe acesta Dac dispozitivul nu este...

Page 31: ...31 PL RU ZELMER 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 8...

Page 32: ...32 PL RU 2000 B B Trends S L 2 4 5...

Page 33: ...33 PL RU 4 5 4 3 HIGH ZELMER 300 375 80 3 1 2 1 2 1 35 45 C 1...

Page 34: ...34 PL RU pH 2012 19 EU WEEE...

Page 35: ...35 PL BG ZELMER 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 8...

Page 36: ...36 PL BG 2000 B B Trends S L 2 4 5...

Page 37: ...37 PL BG 4 5 4 3 HIGH ZELMER 300 g 375 ml 80 ml 3 1 2 1 2 1 35 45 C 1...

Page 38: ...38 PL BG pH 2012 19...

Page 39: ...39 PL UA ZELMER 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 8...

Page 40: ...40 PL UA 2000 B B Trends S L 2 4 5...

Page 41: ...41 PL UA 4 5 4 3 ZELMER 300 375 80 3 1 2 1 2 1 35 45 C 1...

Page 42: ...42 PL UA pH 2012 19 EU WEEE...

Page 43: ...XIV Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru S dowego pod numerem 0000735164 NIP 5223128159 kapita zak adowy 105 000 00 z zwan w dalszej cz ci Gwarantem 2 Gwarancja obejmuje wady fizyczne Urz dzenia wyni...

Page 44: ...Dokumentem uprawniaj cym do skorzystania z gwarancji jest dow d zakupu np paragon z kasy fiskalnej faktura 9 Zg aszaj c usterk nale y skontaktowa si z Gwarantem poprzez Autoryzowany Serwis Zelmer pod...

Page 45: przys uguje zwrot rodk w na zakup Urz dzenia W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji dotycz cych dokument w koryguj cych nale y skontaktowa si z Dzia em Ksi gowym Gwaranta pod numerem telefonu 22 8...

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Page 52: ...04 2023 WWW ZELMER COM SERIES ZWM MOD ZWM0012 220 240V 50 60Hz 1200W TYPE SW 2029M Made in China B B TRENDS S L C Catalu a 24 P I Ca N Oller 08130 Santa Perp tua de Mogoda Barcelona Spain...
