User Manual Revision 2.5
Affix the L-Brackets to the sides of the unit using the retained screws from the rubber feet
(repeat for each side).
Recommended mounting hardware for rigid mount
The installer must provide the appropriate hardware to mount the L-Brackets to whatever
surface is used.
When mounting to drywall, ZeeVee recommends use of Drywall anchors for #6 up to
#10 hardware and washers appropriate to the size screw utilized. The recommended sequence
of hardware would be; Drywall anchor, Flat Washer, ZyPer4K-M L-Bracket, Flat Washer, Screw
or Bolt.
Sheet Metal Shelf or Equipment:
#6 up to #10 thread-forming or thread-cutting machine
screws. Pilot holes should be drilled using the equipment as an outline template. Should the
removal of equipment periodically be required use thread-cutting screws. The recommended
sequence of hardware would be; Flat Washer, ZyPer-4K-M L-Bracket, Flat washer, Lock
Washer (when using thread cutting screw), Screw or Bolt.
There should be 4 sets of screws and associated hardware in as “outboard” a position as is
User Manual