Via Galvani, 11 - 20095 - Cusano Milanino (MI) - Italy - [email protected]
This warranty is valid for 12 months from the actual delivery.
During the warranty period Zator Srl is undertakes to remove in the necessary time the obvious faults and
flaws of material and/or production, on condition that machine or equipment has been used properly,
according to the best rules of behaviour and maintenance provided in this manual.
The flawed parts under warranty are fixed or replaced free from Zator Srl in the time compatibly necessary,
understood that the Zator Srl is exempted from each responsibility for any title, while the buyer give up to
ask damages or costs, including those resulting from the temporary not use of the purchased machinery
for all the time is necessary to put it back in efficiency; The transport and/or the forwarding costs, the
outward and the return trip costs relative to the operation by the Zator’s technicians in the Buyer address
are always on charge of the buyer.
The labor costs relative to the operation of the Zator’s technicians in the Buyer address for the removal of
flawed parts under warranty, are on charge of Zator Srl, except these cases when the nature of the flaw
can be easily removed on place by the Buyer.
This commitment of Zator Srl excludes each other warranty effects provided by the law.
The warranty for the replaced or repaired spare parts of the electromagnetic valve finishes the same
day of the warranty expiration date of the electromagnetic valve, the replaced part warranty however
doesn’t has lifetime less than three months after its installation.
Replaced parts during the warranty period by the seller are free acquired in the same place with new
Are excluded from the warranty all the tools and consumable materials, possibly supplied by Zator Srl
with the machine.
It are excluded and renounced by the buyer every pretensions of items/people damages reimbursement
on charge to Zator Srl, for any titles, even if the damages were depending from manufacture or material
flaws. It’s of equal excluded and given up any reimbursement for people and/or items damages depending
on the practise of the electromagnetic valve. Parts replaced free remain of Zator Srl property.
Elapsed the warranty period every operation will be on charge to the buyer.
Application fields
• Packaging machines
• Paper converting industry
• Printing machines
• Tobacco industry
• Assembly industry
• Food industry