These instructions are updated with each new production run. Any mods or changes to
the kit are included with each run.
3M Super 77 spray adhesive is the recommended adhesive for the assembly of the Zagi-
3C. Shoe Goo, Goop, or any of the other Goo or goop adhesives can be used with a
weight penalty of one to three ounces. The Zagi-3C can be built for various conditions -
light weight or rough duty. There are references to these different functions in the appro-
priate place in the text following. The construction you choose will determine the final
weight of the airplane. It roughly translates to 17 oz. for light duty to 19 oz. for rough
duty or combat. The weight differences are simply the amount of fiber tape used.
The Zagi-3C balances at 7 1/2 inches back from the nose. This means that
most of the outboard wing panels are behind center of gravity (CG). Adding weight
behind CG means that more weight will be needed in the nose to achieve balance. So you
pay a weight penalty twice or even more for adding the extra weight behind the CG.
(See Figure 1)
Wing Panels
The wings panels are die cut for standard servos. The die cut battery bay
will accept a square AA size battery pack or NiCd batteries from 220 mAh to 600 mAh.
A small 220 mAh battery may be used for extra light conditions. Notice that the battery
bay is wide enough for the battery and some nose weight if necessary. The receiver bay
will accommodate almost any receiver size plus enough room to stow the extra servo wire.
The die-cut servo bays can be glued back in place and re-cut if different size radio gear is
preferred. Just push them out and spray them with the adhesive and replace them. Balsa
shims can also be used to assure a snug fit. The wing is thick enough for the radio instal-
lation within the original contours of the airfoil. For maximum performance, install all of
the radio gear, wires, and nose weight flush. Radio gear should be invisible when it's
covered. The switch should be installed so that it is not above the surface of the wing.
After turning the switch on, put a piece of tape over the switch slot before launching.
Recommendations and Notes
page 2
Figure 1
7 1/2”