Setting Trim and Throw
With the TX on and the battery on (in that order), set the
elevon neutral setting by laying a straight edge under the wing at the trailing edge. The
elevons should appear to have a few degrees of reflex. (up elevator)
(See Figure 24)
Move the transmitter aileron stick from full right to full left (not up or down). The elevon
throw should be 3/8" in each direction measured 1" from the tip (no differential) When
moving the elevator stick full up to full down, the throw should be 3/8" in each direction.
Figure 24
page 15
First flight
Please check the frequencies (channel number) of all pilots at your site
before turning on your transmitter. Turning on your transmitter with the same channel
number as someone who is flying will certainly cause his plane to crash!
While the Zagi-3C is made of foam, traveling at a high rate of speed can
cause considerable damage to someone or something if a collision occurs. Please exer-
cise caution while flying. It is recommended that you join the Academy of Model Aero-
nautics (AMA) (1-800-435-9262) to provide insurance, awareness of safe flying practices,
and knowledge of what’s going on in the modeling field. At some flying sites it is manda-
tory that you be a member of the AMA.
Good luck,
Go fly!
Rev 09/01/01