Lay the wing bottom-side-up. Using a square, mark the CG by making a line
perpendicular to the center line 7 1/2" back from the nose on both panels.
(See Figure 22)
Tape a round pencil or ball-point pen 7 1/2” back from the nose, directly over the CG line.
(See Figure 23)
Place the wing top-side-up on a flat surface. Balance is achieved when the wing balances
momentarily on the pencil. Add lead weight to the battery bay in front of the battery if
necessary to achieve balance.
Locating the CG within a flyable range is a matter of experience and personal prefer-
ence. The Zagi-3C performs well with the CG between 7 and 8 inches back from the
nose. A 7 1/2 ” setting is a good place to start. Moving the CG back 1/2” forward or
back will yield some different flight characteristics. So experiment by moving the CG until
it feels right. Weights can be temporarily taped on while experimenting.
Figure 22
Figure 23
page 14