Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Open VLC. Select “Media – Open Network Stream”
In the “Open Media” box, type “rtsp://{name}.mp4”, where “” is the
IP address of the Z3-HE4K-R, and {name} is “z3-1” for unicast streaming, and “z3-1m” for multicast
streaming. For example, if the IP address of the Z3-HE4K-R is the default value of
and unicast streaming is being done, the user would type in “rtsp://”:
Click “Play.” You should then see RTP video streaming on VLC:
The latest version of VLC (2.1.5) may be needed for RTSP support.
Figure 14 Example of Z3 Video Streaming to VLC (RTP)
Figure 13 VLC Open Network Stream Screen for RTP