This section describes the communications protocol between the 2700 SELECT and a host
computer. The 2700 SELECT has an RS-232 serial port. When you install the appropriate
hardware interface (e.g., shielded NULL modem cable), the 2700 SELECT communicates in
ASCII over this interface.
The protocol used by the 2700 has been designed to be compatible with most computer
database applications and most computer interface protocols. The 2700 SELECT can be
configured to communicate in Result Reporting mode or Remote Control mode.
The communications module also provides networking capability. You may configure a 2700
SELECT to operate in either multidrop or non-multidrop environments. Multidrop refers to
networking several 2700s and/or other controllers to a host, while non-multidrop (point-to-
point) refers to a single 2700 connected to a host/controller.
The non-multidrop configurations of software versions higher than 2.40 maintain compatibility
with the earlier software version 2.03. The command format and communication protocols are
identical for software versions 2.03 and up.
In sections below you will learn about communications handshaking, software setup, command
structure, communication modes and data base format.
Note: The term "2700 SELECT" has been shortened to "2700" in many sentences and figures
below. They are synonymous.
The 2700 communicates with a host computer through its RS-232 serial port, acting as a DTE.
The handshaking can be hardware or software configured. The method is user-selectable.
Figure 9.1 shows the RS-232 signal descriptions and directions with respect to the 2700.
Figure 9.1
RS-232 Signal Description and Direction
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