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with alcohol-soaked cotton swab. The typical bare
fiber length is 20mm.The concentration of the alcohol
should heavier than 905.
Step 3: Cut the bare fiber using the cleaver. The typical value
of the cleaver length is 10mm~16mm.
Step 4: Open the shield and fiber holder clamp carefully. Set
the fiber in the V-groove and the fiber holder on the
holder mount. At the same time, note that the tip of
the bare fiber does not touch anything. Make sure
fiber is at the bottom of the V-groove. If not, reset the
Step 5: Set the other fiber in the same way. Put the shield
down carefully.
a) Set the other fiber in the same way. Put the shield down
Figure 7-7
Wrong way to install
b) The tip of the coating fiber should keep a distance from the
bare fiber mount.