Scope of this manual
This service manual contains information and instructions about general maintenance and
repairs of this electric wheelchair.
This service manual is meant for:
Service technicians: personnel that performs the regular maintenance and that solves
technical problems to the wheelchair.
Only service technicians that have completed the equipment training for this
wheelchair are allowed to do maintenance on this wheelchair.
Customer support personnel at Handicare BV dealers: personnel that support
customers when customers call to the dealer's office with questions about the
For customer support this manual serves as reference material.
Reference documentation
This service manual refers, where necessary, to one of the other manuals that are available
for this wheelchair.
User manual wheelchair: for general information about the use of the wheelchair.
User manual for the electronics: for detailed information about the use of the controller
of the wheelchair.
User manual for the seating system: for detailed information about the user
adjustments and the use of the seating system.
Spare parts manual: for information about the spare parts and their ordering numbers.
Supplier documentation for the electronics: for detailed information about changing
settings and doing repairs on the controls of the wheelchair.
Symbols used in this manual
This manual uses the following symbols to highlight information that needs extra attention.
Follow the instructions next to this symbol closely.
Not paying careful attention to these instructions could result in physical injury
or damage to the wheelchair or to the environment.
This provides useful background information.
Guidelines and useful information for maintenance
Service technicians
Maintenance (regular maintenance and repairs) to the wheelchair may only be done by
service technicians that have been trained and authorised by Handicare BV. Temporary
employees and personnel in training are also allowed to do this work but only under the
supervision of an authorised service technician.
Work safely
Always make sure that you work safely, particularly when you need to lift up the wheelchair.
During maintenance and repair work you are at all times fully responsible to obey the local
applicable guidelines and standards with regard to safety and environment. We advise you
Service manual - XP