Fault signal/problem
The battery needs charging
or there is a bad
connection to the battery.
Check the battery
connections and recharge
the battery.
2 LEDs
The left-hand motor (m1)
connection is not good.
Check the connection and
the cabling.
3 LEDs
The left-hand motor (m1)
has a short circuit
connection to the battery.
Contract your supplier.
4 LEDs
The right-hand motor (m2)
connection is not good.
Check the connection and
the cabling.
5 LEDs
The right-hand motor (m2)
has a short circuit
connection to the battery.
Contact your supplier.
6 LEDs
An extenal signal prevents
the wheelchair from driving.
The extact cause depends
on the type of wheelchair,
one possibility is that the
battery charger is still
7 LEDs
Joystick fault.
Make sure that the joystick
is in the center position and
re-try to switch on the
8 LEDs
Control system fault.
Check all connections and
9 LEDs
The parking brakes have a
bad connection.
Check the connections of
the parking brake and of
the motor.
10 LEDs
An excessive voltage has
been applied to the control
system. This is usually
cause by a poor battery
Check the battery
7 LEDs + Speed indicator
Communication fault.
Check the connection and
the condition of the joystick
8 LEDs + Actuator indicator
Actuator trip
If more that one actuator is
installed, check which one
in not working correctly.
Check the actuator cabling.
Wheelchair moves slow or
Battery in poor condition
Check the battery
Setting for maximum speed
is too low.
Adjust the setting for
maxium speed.
Service manual - Alex