Features and advantages
Dynamic set point and suppression of buffer
The YLCA/YLHA PLUS 5 to 27 control system has
Set Point and Suppression of Buffer Tank functions.
Dynamic Set Point
. Modifies water temperature control set
point in accordance with the outdoor temperature. The pur-
pose of this is to avoid excessive an temperature differential
between the indoor and outdoor air conditioned areas. If this
differential is excessive, it could cause discomfort and thermal
shock that could be detrimental to the health of the users en-
tering and leaving this area. On the other hand, this function,
that increases the set point in winter cycle and lowers it in
summer cycle, contributes considerably to saving energy.
Suppression of Buffer Tank.
This function increases the
temperature differential that, added to the control set point,
controls the on/off cycles of the compressor when the unit is
operating at a low charge. To achieve this, the reference point
used is the duration of the compressor operating cycles. In
this way, when the water temperature falls quickly, it delays the
compressor off cycle by simulating the buffer tank operation,
thus avoiding excessive on/off cycles of the unit. Although
this function slightly decreases water temperature control
precision, it eliminates the need to use the buffer tank.
Technical Specifications
These units are supplied completely factory-assembled and
with all refrigerant tubing and wiring ready for installation on
the job site. After installation, these units must go through
an operational test with water. Refrigerant leaks will also be
checked during this process.
Sheeting casing
The units are made of galvanized steel sheeting and anticor-
rosion nuts and bolts. Panels can be removed for access to
internal components. The casing parts are painted with white
RAL9001 oven-baked polymerized enamel.
Hermetic Scroll compressors mounted on antivibratory
supports are used. These compressors are equipped with
electronic modules that protect them against high operating
temperatures. The sump heater operates (units only 20 to
27) only when the compressor is inoperative.
Indoor heat exchanger
Comprises a stainless steel plate exchanger, adequately
insulated by a layer of closed-cell elastomer foam. The refrig-
erant side of said exchanger accepts an operating pressure of
52 bar, whereas the water side accepts 10 bar. When the unit
includes a hydro kit, maximum admissible pressure on the
water side is 6 bar (adjustment of the relief valve).
Outdoor heat exchanger
Made up of notched blue fin aluminium, fin coils and grooved
copper tubing mechanically expanded within the fin assembly.
Of the axial and low sound level type. Equipped with single-
phase motors with IP54 protection. These motors allow speed
control by means of a phase cut-out shifter controlled by
the unit controller. This allows unit operation at low ambient
temperatures (-10°C).
An optional low ambient temperature kit (pressure sensor)
can reach -18°C. This kit is included as standard on heat
pump models YLHA PLUS. On heat pumps, the fan will remain
inoperative during defrosts.
Electric and control panel
Located inside the unit, and with IP44 protection. The operat-
ing and control components are factory mounted, wired and
tested. This control panel is equipped with a locking isolator
that turns power supply off. Inside we find the contactors for
the compressor and the pump, the transformer, magneto-
thermal protector, speed control, connecting strip and the
keyboard-display with the unit controls.
Control keyboard-display
This device is accessible through an external leak-tight plastic
cover. This is an easy-to-use control with three access levels:
Direct, User (password) and Factory (password). For further
information, please see Operating Instructions.
R-410A refrigerant
Does not harm the ozone layer.
Minimum dimensions
Minimum footprint.
Low height and weight
Space for installing on terraces.
Factory tested
Operating quality control.
Easy maintenance.
Main switch
Operator safety.
Microprocessor for
control and alarms
Easy and safe operation.
Manufactured to ISO 9001
High quality level.
Variable speed fan
Low noise level and condensation
Possibility of eliminating
the buffer tank
For installations with low water volume.
Ideal for building management.