These units must be installed in accordance with the following
national and local safety codes:
In U.S.A.:
1. National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA No. 70.
2. National Fuel Gas Code Z223.1.
3. Gas-Fired Central Furnace Standard ANSI Z21.47a.
4. Local gas utility requirements.
In Canada:
1. Current Canadian Electrical Code C22.1.
2. Current Gas Installation Codes CAN/CGA-B149.1 and .2
3. Local plumbing and waste water codes.
4. Other applicable local codes.
Refer to the Unit Application Data table and to the Gas Heat
Application Data table.
After installation, the unit must be adjusted to obtain a
temperature rise within the range specified on the unit rating
If components are to be added to a unit to meet local codes,
they are to be installed at the dealer’s and/or the customer’s
Size of unit for proposed installation should be based on heat
loss/heat gain calculation made according to the methods of
the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA).
This furnace is not to be used for temporary heating of buildings
or structures under construction.
Use the following guidelines to select a suitable location for
these units.
1. Unit is designed for outdoor installation only.
2. Condenser coils must have an unlimited supply of air.
Where a choice of location is possible, position the unit on
either north or east side of building.
WARNING: E x c e s s i ve ex p o s u r e o f t h i s f u r n a c e t o
contaminated combustion air may result in
equipment damage or personal injury. Typical
contaminates include: permanent wave solutions,
chlorinated waxes and cleaners, chlorine based
swimming pool chemicals, water softening
chemicals, carbon tetrachloride, Halogen type
r e f r i g e r a n t s, c l e a n i n g s o l ve n t s ( e. g .
perchloroethylene), printing inks, paint removers,
varnishes, hydrochloric acid, cements and glues,
antistatic fabric softeners for clothes dryers,
masonry acid washing materials.
3. For ground level installation, use a level concrete slab with
a minimum thickness of 4 inches. The length and width
should be at least 6 inches greater than the unit base rails.
Do not tie slab to the building foundation.
4. Roof structures must be able to support the weight of the
unit and its options and/or accessories. Unit must be
installed on a solid level roof curb or appropriate angle iron
CAUTION: If a unit is to be installed on a roof curb or special
frame other than a YORK roof curb, gasketing must
be applied to all surfaces that come in contact with
the unit underside.
5. Maintain level tolerance to 1/2 inch maximum across the
entire length or width of the unit.
Exercise care when moving the unit. Do not remove any
packaging until the unit is near the place of installation. Rig the
unit by attaching chain or cable slings to the round lifting holes
provided in the base rails. Spreaders, whose length exceeds
the largest dimension across the unit, MUST be used across
the top of the unit. Refer to the figure below.
CAUTION: Before lifitng a unit, make sure that all panels are
in place and that its weight is distrbuted equally on
all cables so it will lift evenly.
Units may also be moved or lifted with a forklift, from the front
or rear only, providing that an accessory skid is used.
CAUTION: An adhesive backed label is provided over the
outside of the combustion air inlet opening to
prevent moisture from entering the unit which could
cause damage to electrical components. Allow this
closure label to remain in place until the
combustion air hood is to be installed (refer to Vent
and Combustion Hood Figure).
Refer to the Physical DataTable for unit weights and to the
figure below for approximate center of gravity.
All units require certain clearances for proper operation and
service. Installer must make provisions for adequate combustion
and ventilation air in accordance with Section 5.3, Air for
Combustion and Ventilation of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI
Z223.1 (in U.S.A.) or Sections 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 of Gas Installation
Codes CAN/CGA-B149.1 and .2 (in Canada) and/or applicable
provisions of the local building codes. Refer to Dimensions and
Clearances Figure for the clearances required for combustible
construction, servicing, and proper unit operation.
WARNING: Do not permit overhanging structures or shrubs to
obstruct outdoor air discharge outlet, combustion
air inlet or vent outlets.
Model Size
15 TON
20 TON
Voltage Variation,
Min. / Max.
187 / 253
414 / 506
518 / 630
Supply Air CFM, Min. / Max.
4500 / 7200
6000 / 9400
Wet Bulb Temperature (
F) of Air on
Evaporator Coil, Min. / Max.
57 / 72
Dry Bulb Temperature (
F) of Air on
Condenser Coil, Min.
/ Max.
25 / 120
1Utilization range “A” in accordance with ARI Standard 110.
A low ambient accessory is available for operation down to 0
Unitary Products Group