1. Reversing the wiring connec on may be required if the manipulator/motorized valve does not operate.
Do this by moving each controller wire to the opposite wire on the manipulator/motorized valve
2. A er the connec on, proceed to page 23-25, for tes ng
D - 3 - 4 . H ow to C o n n ect t h e M a n i p u l ato r/ M o to ri zed Va l ve to t h e C o nt ro l l er
Using a wire nut, twist the black wire with text marked “24AWG” (posi ve) wire from the
controller together with the posi ve (red, typically) wire on the manipulator/motorized valve
(wires may be white and black, with white posi ve and black nega ve)
Using a wire nut, twist the black with half white (nega ve) wire from the controller together
with nega ve (black, typically) wire on the manipulator/motorized valve
Ensure there are no exposed wire conductors (visible copper). If so, redo the connec ons.
You may op onally wrap the splices with electrical tape
Refer to “Install or Replace the Ba eries
(Gas/Water Valve Controller)” sec on on page 41 for the
installa on of ba eries for the controller