D-4. Test the Controller and Manipulator/Motorized Valve
Test the controller several mes by pressing the SET bu on and watching for the smooth
closing /opening of the valve. Then, use the YoLink app to open and close the valve
- Verify the handle can be rotated 90 degrees, otherwise the valve cannot be fully opened or
- With the valve in the closed posi on, the screws holding the valve opera ng pins will be much
more accessible, so this is a good me to readjust them so that they are grasping the valve
handle securely. If needed, use a Phillips screwdriver to ghten the pins securely in place
- If you are unable to get the controller and/or manipulator to operate correctly, double-check
the installa on as needed. Do not proceed to the next step un l the manipulator opens and
closes the ball valve properly
- If it is s ll not working properly, Please refer to addi onal troubleshoo ng informa on on page
46, and Customer Service hours and contact informa on on page 51. For mechanical issues
with the manipulator, sending us photos and/or a brief video of the issue may be beneficial in
assis ng you
If Not Working Properly:
D-4-1. Test the Controller and Manipulator (
see Illustra on Next Page