4.4 Setting Methods for Main Items
IM FG410-01EN
The phase difference between channels during sync oscillation and 2-phase oscillation
can be changed (FG420 only)
The difference between the phase setting of each channel is the phase difference between
If [CH2 phase setting
CH1 phase setting] is positive, the waveform of CH2 is ahead of the
waveform of CH1, as shown in the following figure.
For details on sync oscillation and 2-phase oscillation,
“3.3 Phase Synchronization
Between Channels” and “3.4 Maintaining Both Channels to Same Frequency (2-Channel
Ganged Operation, 2-Phase)” in the Application Instruction Manual.
CH1 waveform output
CH2 waveform output
CH2 phase setting –
CH1 phase setting