< 5. Ladder Program Training >
TI 34M6A82-01E
2nd Edition : Nov. 1, 2002-00
5.4.5 Checking the Operation
1. Select [Online]–[Program Monitor] and double-click DEMO3. The DEMO3 block
monitor is displayed.
2. You can display multiple windows. Open the DEMO1 and DEMO2 block monitors
3. Turn off X00802, turn on X00801 and then turn it off again, and turn on X00803.
DEMO2 starts.
4. Turn off X00803. DEMO1 starts.
5. You can see the active status of blocks (1 or 0) in the Select Block (Run Block
Monitor) window.
6. You can select DEMO3 in the Select Block (Run Block Monitor) window and start
(active status 1) or stop (active status 0) the block by selecting
[Debug/Maintenance]–[Start Block] or [Stop Block]. (The ACT/INACT instructions of
the program have priority over the start/stop operations here. For example, if
DEMO3 is running, DEMO1 and DEMO2 are controlled by X00803)
If the program execution mode in the configuration is set to [Run All Blocks], individual
blocks cannot be started or stopped. Instead, use [Online]–[Operation Mode]–
7. Input an analog voltage within the range of 0-5 V. Check that the value of /D00001
changes accordingly.
8. Check that the voltage meter reads 1 V (corresponding to an analog output data
value of 2000).