< 5. Ladder Program Training >
TI 34M6A82-01E
2nd Edition : Nov. 1, 2002-00
5.4.4 Defining Program Components and Downloading
1. Select [Project]–[Define Program Components].
2. Set DEMO3 to block number 1, DEMO2 to block number 2 and DEMO3 to block
number 3 as shown in the figure below using the [Select] button.
If [Run Specified Block] is selected in the configuration, the block registered in block
number 1 will be started.
3. Confirm that [Configuration] is set to [Setup], and click [OK].
4. Select [Project]–[Configuration], and click the [Power Failure/Local] tab.
5. Set the starting number for the four data registers used as local devices to a number
equal to the upper limit of the available setup range minus 3.
6. Click [OK] to close the Configuration screen.
7. Select [Project]–[Check Program].
8. Select [Online]–[Download] to download the project. At this time, the message
“Warning encountered. Transfer?“ is displayed. Click [Yes].
9. A duplicate use of coil warning message is displayed. The program is downloaded
normally and starts running.