IM 701730-51E
• Chip Select Signal: CS (SS)
You can select the signals of CH4 to CH8 or logic input (A0 to A7 of Pod A) for the CS
signal on the SPI Bus. CH5 to CH8 can be used on the DL7480. The logic input is
Level for Determining the Status of the CS Signal: CH Level
When the channel signal is set to be the CS signal, you can set the level for
determining the high (H) or low (L) status of the CS signal for each channel. The
selectable range is eight divisions within the screen. The resolution is 0.01 V/div.
Use/Not Use as a CS Signal
You can select whether the channel is to be a CS signal (ON/OFF) for each channel
CH4 to CH8 or logic input (A0 to A7 of Pod A).
Enable Status of CS Signal: Enable State
You can select the enable status of the CS signal. The setting applies to all CS
H For a channel signal, this is the status when the signal is higher than the level for determining
the status of the CS signal. For a logic input signal, this is the status when the signal is 1.
The I/O data is analyzed when the CS signal is H.
L For a channel signal, this is the status when the signal is less than the level for determining
the status of the CS signal. For a logic input signal, this is the status when the signal is 0.
The I/O data is analyzed when the CS signal is L.
X Select this status when not determining the status. All the I/O output data are analyzed. The
byte boundary of the data being analyzed is the point where the CS signal changes from high
to low or low to high. This status cannot be selected when multiple signals are enabled as
CS signals.
– When none of the signals are enabled as a CS signal, this indicator is displayed and cannot
be changed. All the I/O output data are analyzed. The data to be analyzed is the I/O data
that is divided at the byte level from the analysis reference point (see the next page). Select
this status when analyzing the I/O data without using the CS signal.
• Analysis Reference Point
You can set the reference point where the analysis is to start. The first analysis data
as viewed from this reference point is assigned the analysis number 0. For details on
the assignment of the analysis number, see “Analysis Numbers” on the next page.
Trigger Position
Sets the reference point to the trigger position.
You can set the reference point in the range of
5 divisions. The resolution
is 10 division
display record length.
• Read Direction of the I/O Data Bits: Bit Order
You can select the read direction of the bits according to the signal flow. When
analysis data is displayed in binary, the data is displayed in the order of the flow
regardless of the bit order setting. When analysis data is displayed in hexadecimal,
the data is displayed according to the setting, separated every four bits in the order of
the flow.
MSB First
Select this when the I/O data signal is flowing MSB first.
LSB First
Select this when the I/O data signal is flowing LSB first.
When set to MSB First: E831
When set to LSB First: 71C8
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
The bit order setting is connected with the setting in the ENHANCED menu in the Analyze
Setup dialog box (see page 2-6).
2.5 Analyzing/Searching Data