IM 11R02A01-02E
5th Edition : Dec. 28, 2016-00
Revision Information
: Model CM6G Gas Calorimeter
Manual No. : IM 11R02A01-02E
May 2019/6th Edition
Corrections (p. 1-2. 1-3)
Dec. 2016/5th Edition
Full revision. Changed chapter order. Deleted contents described in the former Chapter 12 of and
Oct. 2011/4th Edition
All over revised
Chapter 2
Subsection 2.1.1 :”Town Gas Application,” Alarm Contact Output: Changed of
description. Added the item of “Contact Input”. Panel: Changed of panel
Subsection 2.1.2, “Town Gas Application,” Range: Changed of description. Alarm
Contact Output: Changed of description. Added the item of “Contact Input”.
Panel: Chaned of panel color.
Subsection 2.2.1, “Gas Calorimeter”: Changed of style code.
Nov. 2008/3rd Edition
Revised with the change of style code *B
Chapter 2
Subsection 2.1.1 :Rated current of alarm contact output is corrected to 3A.
Subsection 2.1.2 :Description about Range is revised.
Subsection 2.2.2 :Change to style *B in MS code table
Subsection 2.3.1 :Suffix code “-S3610” is corrected to “-S6310”.
Section 2.4 :The item “Hexagon Wrentch” is deleted from table list of calorie detector
Section 2.5 (page2-6 to 2-8): Drawings of Computing Station change to Model
Subsection 2.5.2 :In item 1, length of H7800HC is corrected.
Chapter 3
Section 3.1 :Description about “conditioned air” is added
Section 3.2 :Explanation about “piping” is added to body. Thermal insulation line and
steam line is added to Figure 3.1 .
Section 3.3: In Figure 3.4, drawings of Computing Station change to Model YS1700
Chapter 5
In Figure 5.1 and 5.5, drawings of Computing Station change to Model YS1700
Subsection 5.5.1: Complete revision (Application of Model YS1700 operation)
Subsection 5.5.2: In table 5.3, items X6 to 8, Y5 to 6 and P08 to 30 are added
Subsection 5.5.3: Equation (5.2) and (5.3) are revised. Figure numbers of 5.17 and
Chapter 6
Explanation about computing station operation is revised in; subsection 6.1.7 a)&b),
6.1.8 town gas g)&h), steel mill f)&g) and 6.2.3 both of c)
Range of flow rate is expanded (0.5-1 l/min) in;
subsection 6.1.8 town gas f), steel mill d), and 6.2.3 town gas b)
Chapter 7
Explanation about computing station operation is revised in; subsection 7.1.1 f), 7.1.2
f)&g), 7.2.1 a)&b), 7.2.2 h), 7.3.1 c), 7.3.2 b)&d)
Description about “indication check” is added to; subsection 7.1.1 d) and 7.1.2 d)
Title is changed and description with “See also” is inserted to subsection 7.1.1 d) and
Subsection 7.3.3: P05 is corrected to P02.
Chapter 9
Explanation about computing station operation is revised in subsection 9.1.1 (7) and
Range of flow rate is expanded (0.5-1 l/min) in subsection 9.1.1 (6) and 9.1.2 (9).
Description about “indication check” is added to 9.1.1 (4).
Subsection 9.1.2: Unit “Pa” is corrected to “kPa”.
Section 9.4: In item 2), The value “200” is corrected to “20”
Section 9.4: In Figure 9.1, alphabet marks of the computing station terminal are
corrected to number marks. No.19(+) and No.20(-) are written in the station
terminal, and connected to No.1 and No.2 of the calorie detector,
Terminal Numbers of distoributor are revised in the body and Figure 9.1.