<1. Outline>
IM 11R02A01-02E
6th Edition :May 10, 2019-00
Measuring range (Note 1)
High calorific value
Low calorific value
± 0.5% of measured value
± 1.0% of measured value
Calorific value
High calorific value
Low calorific value
± 1.0% of measured value
± 1.5% of measured value
Note 1: High calorific value means 6.3 MJ/Nm
or more.
Low calorific value means below 6.3 MJ/Nm
Sample Gas Flow Rate :
Approx. 10 l/min
Response Time (Note 2):
Max. WI measured
Dead time
Response time (63.2%)
50 or more
32 or more, less than 50
13 or more, less than 32
Less than 13
Approx. 30 sec or less
Approx. 27 sec or less
Approx. 23 sec or less
Approx. 21 sec or less
Approx. 60 sec or less
Approx. 53 sec or less
Approx. 47 sec or less
Approx. 41 sec or less
Note 2: Response time varies depending on the WI of a sample gas. This is due to the different sample gas flow rate of the
calorimeter. The flow rate is preset depending on the WI of the sample gas to prevent the calorific value at the detector
burner from exceeding the upper limit.
Utility :
Instrument Air ; Approx. 50 Nl/min, pressure 300 to 700 kPa, dew point of 0°C or less
Power Supply ; 100 V AC ± 10%, single phase, 50/60 Hz (Note 3), 860 VA max.
Note 3: When you perform a low calorific value measurement, the frequency variation should be within ±0.4%. If the frequency variation
exceeds ±0.4% (especially for exporting overseas), consult with Yokogawa.
Steel Mill Application
Measurement Object : Measurement and control of WI or the calorific value of fuel gas for a
steel mill.
Measuring range : 3 to 62 MJ/Nm
Sample Conditions:
100 mg/Nm
or less
Temperature; 50°C or less
(1) 8 to 15 kPa
(2) 8 kPa or under: with pump
Range : Select scale range (Span):
General Gas;
30 to 50% of maximum value of the span
Butane or Air;
20 to 30% of maximum value of the span
Propane or Pro Air;
25 to 40% of maximum value of the span
Output :
1 to 5 V DC, 4 to 20 mA DC (simultaneously), non-isolated, load
resistance 750Ω or less
Alarm Contact Output :
Flame off alarm;
100 V AC, 5 A, closed when alarm occurs (resistance load) when
contact is opened, the leakage current is 2 mA or less (100V AC)
Temperature alarm; 100 V AC, 3 A, closed when alarm occurs (resistance load)
Contact Input: Remote ignition (Custom order); 24 V DC, 0.1A or more
Measuring range (
Note 1)
High calorific value
Low calorific value
0.5% of measured value
1.0% of measured value
Calorific value
High calorific value
Low calorific value
1.0% of measured value
1.5% of measured value
Note 1: High calorific value means 6.3 MJ/Nm
or more. Low calorific value means below 6.3 MJ/Nm