<1. Outline>
IM 11R02A01-02E
6th Edition :May 10, 2019-00
1. Outline
Model CM6G Gas calorimeter measures and controls a calorific value of gases, Wobbe-Index
(hereinafter referred to as WI), a theoretical air requirement, and a heat input for various kind of
gas burning furnaces.
It detects a temperature rise of a sample gas, whose pressure is normally controlled, by burning it
at a burner through the medium of air.
It picks up the flow rate of the sample gas and the air as the differential pressure signal and
outputs a signal of WI after compensating calculation of the indication difference caused by the
flow rate variation.
It also detects density of the sample gas by a density meter, and add to WI signal density
compensation, then, outputs a calorific signal.
Standard Specifications
EMC Regulatory Arrangement in Australia and New Zealand
Korea Electromagnetic Conformity Standard Class A
한국 전자파적합성 기준
A급 기기 (업무용 방송통신기자재)
이 기기는 업무용(A급) 전자파적합기기로서 판매자 또는
사용자는 이 점을 주의하시기 바라며, 가정외의 지역에서
사용하는 것을 목적으로 합니다.
Town Gas Application
Measurement Object :
Measurement and control of WI or the calorific value of fuel gas
for town gas.
Measuring Range : 3 to 62 MJ/Nm
Sample Conditions :
Dust ;
5 mg/Nm
or less
Temperature ; 50°C or less
Humidity ;
dew point of 0°C or less
Pressure ;
(1) 10 to 20 kPa
(2) 10 kPa or under: with pump
(3) 100 to 600 kPa: with pressure reducing valve
Range :
Select scale range (Span) :
General Gas ;
30 to 50% of maximum value of the span
Butane or Air ; 20 to 30% of maximum value of the span
Propane or Pro Air ;25 to 40% of maximum value of the span
Output :
1 to 5 V DC, 4 to 20 mA DC (simultaneously), non-isolated,
load resistance; 750 Ω or less
Alarm Contact Output :
Flame off alarm; 100 V AC, 5 A, closed when alarm occurs (resistance
load) when contact is opened, the leakage current is 2
mA or less (100 V AC)
Orifice Temperature alarm; 100 V AC, 3 A, closed when alarm occurs
(resistance load)
Contact Input :
Remote ignition (Custom order); 24 V DC, 0.1A or more