IM 11R02A01-02E
6th Edition :May 10, 2019-00
Thank you for purchasing Model CM6G Gas Calorimeter.
In order to have the product deliver its full capabilities, read this instruction manual thoroughly
before you use it.
On how to use the Gas density meter, read the instruction manual which comes with the product.
Since the ignition starts until it completes, or right after the flame is extinguished, sample gas
mixed with the air will be released from the top of the equipment into the installation space. Even
though the sample gas will be diluted sufficiently by the air, great attention should be paid to the
following points if the sample gas contains harmful gases such as CO.
• Confirm that the air is supplied before introducing the sample gas.
• Use the equipment in a well-ventilated environment equipped with a ventilation system.
• Do not expose your face above the top of the calorie detector.
About This Manual
• This manual should be passed on to the end user so that the user can refer to the manual
whenever they need.
• If the product is not used in a manner specified in this manual, the safety of this product may
be impaired.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
• The contents of this manual shall not be reproduced or copied, in part or in whole,without
• This manual explains the functions contained in this product, but does not warrant that they
are suitable for the particular purpose of the user.
• Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this manual.
However, when you realize mistaken expressions or omissions, please contact the nearest
Yokogawa Electric representative or sales office.
Drawing Conventions
Some drawings may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted, for the convenience of
Inspection on delivery
After the delivery, open the product package carefully and inspect for damages caused during the
transport. Should there be any damage or breakage on the product, please contact YOKOGAWA
immediately. Retain all the packing materials, containers and boxes that came with the product.
After unpacking, make sure the delivered products include all of the component equipment you
ordered. When confirming the specifications, refer to the model and suffix codes indicated on the
nameplate on the product. The models are indicated on the name plates. Check also those of
accessories. For further information, please read subsection 1.2 of this document.
Media No.
IM 11R02A01-02E
6thEdition : May 10, 2019 (YK)
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2016, Yokogawa Electric Corporation