• Design the system to ensure safety even when problems, such as broken signal
lines, occur.
For example, the P-OT and N-OT signals are set in the default settings to oper-
ate on the safe side if a signal line breaks. Do not change the polarity of this
type of signal.
• When overtravel occurs, the power supply to the motor is turned OFF and the
brake is released. If you use the Servomotor to drive a vertical load, set the
Servomotor to enter a zero-clamped state after the Servomotor stops. Also,
install safety devices (such as an external brake or counterweight) to prevent
the moving parts of the machine from falling.
• Always turn OFF the servo before you turn OFF the power supply. If you turn
OFF the main circuit power supply or control power supply during operation
before you turn OFF the servo, the Servomotor will stop as follows:
• Do not use the dynamic brake for any application other than an emergency
• If you turn OFF the main circuit power supply during operation without
turning OFF the servo, the Servomotor will stop abruptly with the dynamic
• If you turn OFF the control power supply without turning OFF the servo, the
stopping method that is used by the Servomotor depends on the model of the
SERVOPACK. For details, refer to the manual for the SERVOPACK.
• If you use a SERVOPACK that supports a Dynamic Brake Option, the Ser-
vomotor stopping methods will be different from the stopping methods used
without the Option or for other Hardware Option specifications. For details,
refer to the product manual for the Dynamic Brake Option.
There is a risk of failure due to rapid deterioration of elements in the SERVO-
PACK and the risk of unexpected operation, machine damage, burning, or
• When you adjust the gain during system commissioning, use a measuring
instrument to monitor the torque waveform and speed waveform and confirm
that there is no vibration.
If a high gain causes vibration, the Servomotor will be damaged quickly.
• Do not frequently turn the power supply ON and OFF. After you have started
actual operation, allow at least one hour between turning the power supply ON
and OFF (as a guideline).
Do not use the product in applications that require the power supply to be
turned ON and OFF frequently.
The elements in the SERVOPACK will deteriorate quickly.
Continued on next page.