• Figures provided in this document are typical examples or conceptual repre-
sentations. There may be differences between them and actual wiring, circuits,
and products.
• The products shown in illustrations in this document are sometimes shown
without covers or protective guards. Always replace all covers and protective
guards before you use the product.
• If you need a new copy of this document because it has been lost or damaged,
contact your nearest Yaskawa representative or one of the offices listed on the
back of this document.
• This document is subject to change without notice for product improvements,
specifications changes, and improvements to the manual itself.
We will update the document number of the document and issue revisions
when changes are made.
• Any and all quality guarantees provided by Yaskawa are null and void if the
customer modifies the product in any way. Yaskawa disavows any responsibil-
ity for damages or losses that are caused by modified products.
General Precautions