Feeding multiple items
You can feed as many small items into the machine next to one another as you are capable of handling,
however, all items for side-by-side laminating must be the same thickness.
If you are feeding items with a combined width narrower than that of the film and of the same thickness,
you can feed them side-by-side to prevent wasting material. Following the instructions for feeding single
items to ensure straightness, feed the items into the machine next to each other with a gap in between
them in case your item is not straight. This will prevent the items from overlapping. It is very important
to ensure that the items are straight as multiple items may overlap on one another if improperly fed into
the machine. For this process, you may wish to have an assistant.
Note: Poor quality of lamination in between the items is due to the roller being lifted slightly; however,
after trimming this effect is not noticeable. The thicker the items you laminate, the more you will notice
Allow space between items when laminating multiple items