Unplug the camera and reboot the computer. When the system is up, plug in the camera again.
The system should auto detect the camera and reload the drivers.
The video window has flashing vertical or horizontal colored lines.
The computer may be having problems processing the large amounts of data sent
through it during a typical video capture sequence. Try the following: a) select a smaller image
size, b) close other applications on your system that may be open, c) avoid moving windows
around the desktop while you are using video applications.
The camera works for less than a minute then hang.
This relates closely with the USB controller of the system. If the system has open
HCI USB controller, or if it is using a USB add-on card, we would strongly recommend
using Windows 98 operating system instead of Windows 95 because they work much better
in Windows 98.
When change image format, or try to change/enlarge, the screen freezes and keeps the
last image, or gives a light blue screen.
Since the graphic card is not very capable and stable, disabling the direct draw of the
graphic card is required. Go to Settings from the Start icon
choose Control Panel
click on
Display icon
click on the tap named Settings
click on Advanced Properties
click on tap
named Performance
under Graphics, set the Hardware Acceleration to None
keep choosing
OK to close all the windows and restart the computer. Remember to do the above procedures
again after changing the display settings (i.e.16bit, 24bit, 32bit).
Camera LCD light is on but shows a pink screen.
Reduce the acceleration of the graphic card to None, like what is described above, or
upgrade the operating system to Windows 98.
Error message “C-it Video Camera was not detected.”
If the camera is not plugged in yet, please do so now. If it is, then unplug it and plug it
back in again. The system should detected this device and install the software for it. If the
system still can not detected the device, then unplug the camera
restart the computer
the camera in.
What if this “camera not detected” message resists?
Before running the USB camera, you need to make sure you have Universal Serial Bus
Controller installed. Check it from System
Device Manager, and the last device listed under
the manager should be Universal Serial Bus Controller. Under the Controller folder, you should
have both a host controller and a root hub listed. If you don’t have this folder, please install USB
supplement into your Windows 95 system. (We have a courtesy copy of this setup file in our CD
under OSR2.)
What is wrong when all the drivers, both USB supplement and C-it, are loaded but the
camera still doesn’t work? (return message “–3”)
Go to BIOS set up when the computer first starts and make sure to enable USB device
under the advance set up menu. If it is Award BIOS, it requires version 1.5 or above in order to
select the USB set up option.
Why is there no sound for Video Conferencing?
Check out the volume control under Multimedia. The Microphone should be muted
while all others shouldn’t. Use full duplex for your audio by checking in the box from the audio
option bar in Video Conferencing Center.