Twin WAN Series – User Guide | v1
Phase 1 DH Group -
This drop down box allows you to select from three levels of cryptography from
the Diffie Hellman group. DH is a key agreement protocol that allows the local
and remote VPN gateways to use a pre-shared key over the Internet without any
prior information exchange. By selecting the higher levels of DH, the agreement
process uses longer numbers thus making it exceedingly difficult to decrypt the
communication in the event it is intercepted.
Phase 1 Encryption Method -
There are three data encryption methods available: DES, 3DES, and AES.
Phase 1 Authentication Method -
This drop down box allows you to select a method to establish a secure
communication channel between the local and remote VPN gateway.
Phase 1 SA Life Time -
This field indicates the default Security Association life time. When this field is
expired a new key is re-negotiated. This results in the VPN tunnel being
unavailable during the negotiation period.
Retry Counter -
This field indicates how many times the process will be restarted if the process of
Phase 1 is unsuccessful. Once the retry counter is expired an error message will
be displayed in the VPN log.
Maxtime to complete phase 1 -
This field indicates the idle time after the negotiation process is ended and a new
negotiation process begins.
Maxtime to complete phase 1 -
This field indicates the maximum time allowed for Phase 1 to be negotiated. If
this counter expires, it is recommended to either increase the Maxtime period or
reduce the DH Group level.
Maxtime to complete phase 2 -
This field indicates the maximum time allowed for Phase 2 to be negotiated.
Phase 2 is the negation of security services for IPsec. If this counter expires, it is
recommended to either increase the Maxtime period or reduce the DH Group
Count Per Send -
This field indicates the Maximum amount of duplicate packets to be resent in case
the remote side does not respond to the first packet. Using the default parameter,
the VPN gateway will resend the packet once before restarting the negotiation.
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