Kilo User Manual Version 3.0
Messages from the Kilo
Messages received from Kilo such as GPS messages or responses to Status requests arrive as
email attachments to all the email accounts that the Kilo was setup with, and also appear on
XeosOnline. When the unit is first turned on, it will send out three messages (pictured below)
and will enter startup mode.
The first message sent from the Kilo indicates the Firmware Version and serial number.
Powerup: true, Version: Kilo v1.01-681(6067)~ , Serial: 1240
Another message that the Kilo will send will be a Status message. It will display the currently used
times and will display differently, depending on whether or not Watch Circle is enabled.
This message also appears when the device moves from regular intervals to alarm intervals, or
back. It also is used as a response to a change to these intervals, or changes to the watch circle.
Watch Circle Disabled
04151514,S, gps=20Mns ird=20Mns lat=44.71438 lon=-63.60492,Sched hr=0,LNA=n
Date and time of the message (UTC) in MMDDhhmm (M=Month D= Day h=
hour m=min). (April 15th at 15:14 UTC)
The message is a ‘Status’ message
Shows the GPS acquisition at regular intervals in minutes
Shows the Iridium transmission at regular intervals in minutes
Latitude of the most recent GPS fix expressed in decimal degrees
Longitude of the most recent GPS fix expressed in decimal degrees
Sched hr=0
Indicates the amount of hours offset from midnight the Iridium interval is set
Indicates if the Low Noise Amplifier is in use
Watch Circle Enabled
04140336,S,Status/Value Change: Mode=ALARM gps=15Mns ird=15Mns ctr=44.67037/-
63.70031 rad=15000m,Sched hr=0,LNA=n
Date and time of the message (UTC) in MMDDhhmm (M=Month D= Day h=
hour m=min). (April 14th at 15:14 UTC)
The message is a ‘Status’ message
Indicates the operating mode the device is in, OK or ALARM
Shows the GPS acquisition rate currently used in minutes
Shows the Iridium transmission rate currently used in minutes
Latitude of the watch circle’s centre expressed in decimal degrees
Longitude of the watch circle’s centre expressed in decimal degrees
The radius of the watch circle in metres