Kilo User Manual Version 3.0
Flash Memory
The Kilo comes equipped with internal flash memory, used to store logged events and GPS
positions over the lifetime of the product. This information can be retrieved for data collection
or troubleshooting purposes. The retrieval of this information is done through the Micro-USB
port at the top of the battery core.
Hardware Required
A micro-USB programming cable
The Kilo unit with batteries removed
A Windows PC
Software Required
Terminal Emulator
Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART driver
Kilo Connection
Unscrew the battery end-cap from the Kilo and set aside
Remove all batteries from the Kilo.
Warning: Failure to remove batteries may cause
electrical damage to the Kilo
Carefully plug the micro-USB cable into the Kilo’s connector and plug the
USB into the PC
Navigate to the computer’s device manager to check if the Silicon Labs CP210x chipset is
recognized by the computer.