Kilo User Manual Version 3.0
Enabling the Watch Circle
The following command is used to initially enable watch circle functionality.
$switch c 1
After Watch Circle Functionality has been enabled, functionality will remain enabled until
commanded OFF, including through resets using the $resetnow command. Specifics on Latitude,
Longitude and Radius will
survive resets.
If the Kilo being commanded is using a firmware version lower than build 6067,
The Kilo will return a listing of which features are on (Y) and off (N) in response:
The Switch Watch Circle command uses the following syntax and can be used to turn Watch Circle
Functionality ON and OFF after its initial set-up which was laid out above:
$switch c 1
Turns ON Kilo’s Watch Circle Functionality
$switch c 0
Turns OFF Kilo’s Watch Circle Functionality
Set Watch Circle
The $setcircle command is used to set the location and radius of the watch circle. If a watch circle
is not set by command, but functionality is enabled, the Kilo will place its centre on the average
locations so far acquired. The device will create a Watch Circle using the 48-hour average as its
centre and the default radius of 100m.
The Kilo will discard the settings to the watch circle if powered off or reset.
A watch circle is set using the following convention:
The longitude and latitude values are used to manually specify the centre of the watch circle. The
radius (specified in meters) value is used to set the radius of the watch circle.
The default Watch Circle Radius is 100 meters.
The maximum radius for the watch circle is 15000 meters.
The minimum radius for the watch circle is 50 meters.
Values above or below the limits will be ignored.
To adjust the watch circle’s radius without changing the Lat/Long, replace Lat/Long values
with 0’s:
If the Kilo exits the programmed Watch Circle, the unit will enter an Alarm Mode and send a
Status change message, followed by a GPS position. The Kilo will then transmit a position message
according to the alarm rate until the device returns to the circle, the circle is expanded