16 BC configuration and adjustment 1/3
Self-assembly harness and compensator
In the event of a separate order of the compensator without the harness it needs to be mounted by the user
following the given order:
Dismantle the shoulder strap by passing it through the lower adjustment point and taking off all the
mounted elements such as D-rings, tri-gliders or bungees.
Place the compensator (1) on the harness and position in such a way that its upper edge coincides
with the edge of the upper node and then thread the shoulder straps (2) through the slits of the
adjustment points of the compensator (3) in a way shown in the picture below.
Reinstall the d-rings, tri-gliders and other necessary elements on the shoulder straps and then thread
the straps through appropriate elements of the lower node of the harness.
Install the provided mounting element on the crotch strap as shown in the picture below.
Fig 25. Way of attaching mounting element on the crotch strap
Fig. 24. Fixing the BCD to the shoulder straps