In “adv. eanx” mode the conservatism is set separately for non-decompression
and decompression dives using the following functions:
Settings >> Computer >> GF for NdL
This function makes it possible to select the value of Gradient Factor which
is taken into account when calculating no-decompression limit (nDl). It has
nothing to do with GF High and GF low values used for calculating decompres-
sion in decompression diving mode. The function allows selection of GF within
the range of 95% and 60% with 1% resolution. The lower value means increased
conservatism factor.
set the conservatism at 65% level when there is at least one factor which may
increase the risk of DCs or you dive in water of temperature below 10⁰C or you
dive 300m above sea level or you dive the third day in a row or longer or you
are older than 40 years.
set the conservatism at 75% level when there are nO factors which may
increase the risk of DCs (no overweight, no poor physical condition, no fatigue,
no diving in cold water, age under 40 years).
setting the conservatism at 85% level or higher is intended only for experienced
divers who have a very good knowledge of Gradient Factor mechanism and
decompression theory.
Settings >> Computer >> GF for deco.
This function makes it possible to configure GF low and GF High parameters.
The BlaCK eanx during calculations with the use of Buhlmann ZHl-16C model +
GF uses the idea of variable conservatism based on the so-called „Gradient Fac-
tors” developed by eric C. Baker.
GF low parameter is responsible for conservatism on the deepest stops, where-
as GF High is responsible for conservatism on the shallow stops. The lower value
of GF High or GF low parameters means an increased level of conservatism. The
higher value of those parameters means a decreased level of conservatism.
attention! although the BlaCK eanx makes it possible to con-
figure GF High parameter above 70% and GF low above 30%, we
strongly advise against setting them above those levels. a too low
level of conservatism rapidly increases the risk of decompression
sickness (DCs), even if the dive was performed pursuant to the
information recommended by the computer.