For a period of time after a dive, it is not allowed to travel by plane or increase
altitude (including travelling in the mountains). The minimum time period within
which flying is not allowed is displayed in hours on the main screen of the sur-
face mode and marked with the notice “no Fly”.
The no fly time is calculated as the time needed for all tissues to be completely
desaturated. If the complete desaturation time limit is shorter than 12h, then
due to the BlaCK eanx safety reasons, said time limit will be extended to 12h.
after completing the dive the BlaCK eanX will display on the main screen of the
surface mode, information on the surface break, current values of Cns count
and the number of OTU units absorbed during the last dive which should be
taken into account when planning the next dive:
If during the previous dives there were situations that could increase the risk
of DCs, the device will display the warning icon. The icon is displayed for 48h
after the last dive.
attention: If the device displays a warning icon, it means that
within 48h there were situations which could significantly
increase the risk of DCs. You should refrain from diving for min.
24h (we recommend 48h).
attention: Ignoring the ban on travelling by plane and increas-
ing the altitude may lead to decompression sickness (DCs). never
travel by plane or in the mountain or through the mountain pass, if
the device displays „noFly” time limit!
aFTer DIVe
warnInG ICOn (IF DIsPlaYeD)
In Gauge (BT) mode „noFly” time limit is not specified. If you dive
in that mode, you need to follow the recommendations of the
diving federation and tables/program used for planning the dives.
In case of overweight people or after performing decompression
or multi-day dives we recommend refraining from travelling by
plane or increase an altitude for 48h after completing the dive.