after performing all decompression stops the device will display information
“sUrFaCe” which means that the diver can slowly ascend to the surface. For
your own safety and good feeling after the dive, after the last stop it is recom-
mended to ascent at the rate of 1m/min.
after completing the last decompression stop the device enters the ascent
mode and does not display no-decompression time until the dive is completed.
Under no circumstances must the diver descend again below 3m after complet-
ing the last decompression stop.
attention! For your own safety never ascend above the depth
of the decompression stop. ascending above the decompression
ceiling may lead to decompression sickness (DCs).
The last stop may be determined at 3m or 6m depending on the set-
tings in function “last stop dep.” in the computer settings. setting
the stop at 6m may significantly extend the decompression time
limit, and in turn increase the amount of gas needed to complete
the dive. Check the computer settings before each dive!
If the last stop resulting from the decompression algorithm happens
to be longer than the recommended or required safety stop, its time
limit will appropriately be extended.
when the diving plan includes switching gases and they were configured in the
gas configuration menu, then during the dive the computer will suggest switch-
ing gases by selecting the optimal gas at a particular depth.
Before reaching the gas switching depth the BlaCK eanX will notifty the up-
coming gas switch by displaying in the upper line information the name of the
gas, symbol „@” and the depth of the switch, e.g. „ean50 @ 18m”:
The depth at which the BlaCK eanX notifies of a gas switch can be set using
Settings >> Computer >> Sign. Switches
. This function also allows the
notifications to be switched off.
attention! Incoming gas change indicator does not yet mean
the need to switch gas but is only a signal to start preparing
procedure for gas switching.
Gas CHanGe