Processing Unit Status
PU ready
is indicated when all nodes are communicating well with each other and with the PU.
Motion detected
is indicated when the motion score rises above the set threshold. When this
indication is on the alarm relay will be open.
Poor PU connectivity
is indicated when the PU is not hearing from the network reliably. Try
moving the PU closer to the network.
Poor node connectivity
is indicated when a node is not hearing from enough of the other nodes.
When a node has poor health, the processing unit will blink to indicate which node it is. For
example, if node 3 is unhealthy, the PU will repeat the pattern: blink 3 times rest blink 3 times
rest. If multiple nodes are unhealthy, only the node with the lowest ID will be indicated. Poor node
health can be caused by the network being stretched out too far, experiencing heavy interference,
or the node itself could be in a bad position (i.e., behind a metal object). Try moving any poor
health nodes to new positions or closer to the rest of the nodes.
Node outage
is indicated when a node has completely disconnected from the network. When this
indication is on the trouble relay will be open. This can be caused by a power loss or a node that is
on a different channel, PAN, or channel shift than the rest of the nodes. When a node is out, all
other nodes will blink to indicate which node is missing. For example, if node 3 is out, all other
nodes will repeat the pattern: blink 3 times rest blink 3 times rest. If multiple nodes are
missing, only the node with the lowest ID will be indicated.
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TMD User Guide (Rev C.2) Page 21