Each node and processing unit is programmed with the total number of nodes in the sensing network.
Processing units do not count as nodes. When changing the total number of nodes, the node IDs must
always begin with 1 and go to the number of nodes in the system. For example, when changing from a 15
node system to a 6 node system, use nodes 16. The node IDs are located on a label on the back of the
circuit boards. If a node is damaged or lost, the ID can be reprogrammed (see the section on “How to
change the node ID”).
To change the total number of nodes:
1. Click S1 four times.
2. Click S2 one time to confirm you want to set the Node Count.
3. Verify that only the red LED is illuminated.
4. Click S1 N times, where N is the number of total nodes in the sensing network.
5. Click S2 one time to confirm the new setting.
6. Repeat steps 15 for all nodes and PUs.
How to change the PAN
The PAN is a samechannel filtering mechanism and stands for personal area network. Nodes and
processing units that are on the same channel but have different PANs will not communicate, but may still
interfere with each other. All nodes in the sensing network, including the processing unit must be set to
the same pan. In most cases, this does not need to be changed from factory defaults. If you are trying to
use multiple systems on the same channel, the PAN must be different in each system, and nodes from
each system should be separated by as much physical space as possible to minimize interference.
To change the PAN:
1. Click S1 five times.
2. Click S2 one time to confirm you want to set the PAN.
3. Verify that only the red and right green LEDs are illuminated.
4. Click S1 N times, where N is the PAN you wish to change to. Valid PANs are from 1255.
5. Click S2 one time to confirm the new setting.
6. Repeat steps 15 for all nodes and PUs.
How to change the channel shift
In general this is an advanced option and does not need to be changed. The center frequency on a channel
can be shifted up in increments of 1 Mhz. Remember all nodes and processing units in the sensing
network must be set to the same channel with the same shift. Channel 1 has an upper limit and will only
shift 1 Mhz up.
To change the Channel Shift:
1. Click S1 six times.
2. Click S2 one time to confirm you want to set the Channel Shift.
3. Verify that only the red and orange LEDs are illuminated.
4. Click S1 N times, where N is the Channel Shift you wish to change to. Valid Channel Shifts are
from 15. 1 being no shift, 5 shifting the channel 4 Mhz up.
5. Click S2 one time to confirm the new setting.
6. Repeat steps 15 for all nodes and PUs.
Copyright © 2015 XANDEM
TMD User Guide (Rev C.2) Page 18