Directions to Checking Battery & Charger Connections
Confirm Proper Charging Configuration :
- Do you have the kill switch on left side on handlebar to the ON position with the key in
the OFF position?
- If yes, then proceed with the follow checks to locate why the charger is not seeing the
- Replace the fuse before attempting the following. The fuse may appear OK but may not
- No red light on charger with switch ON may mean there is a break in the wire between
the charger and the batteries. Here is how to narrow it down into two sections; battery side
or charger side.
Battery Side: Performed without use of charger
1) Unplug the battery plug that plugs into the controller (Large Red and Black wire) and
unplug the motor plug that also plugs into the controller which will be the other two larger
2) Place a block under the scooter so you have the rear wheel off the ground - so it does
not take off.
3) Have the left power switch in the OFF position.
4) Plug the main battery connector and motor connector together.
5) Turn ON the switch, does motor work? If no, then continue with the following. This tells
us the break is within the battery side. If motor does spin then reconnect the motor and
battery to its original connectors on the controller
Check the main Kill Switch and Wires.
1) Locate the large red wire single pin connector that is coming off the first battery.
2) Unplug and the connector on battery side you.
3) You will see a gold pin inside the connector by looking straight at the end.
4) Insert a toothpick or paper clip into to the hole to unlock the pin from the white
5) Unplug the Dual battery connector that has the large red and black wire again and do
the same and remove the red wire from the white connector and insert the battery one in
its position.
6) Retest the scooter.
If it works then inspect the back side of the kill switch or contact X-Treme scooters for
****Reconnect the gold pins back to there original positions.
Charger Side:
1) Follow the wires on the backside of the charger port to the connector that plugs into the
controller - label both the male and female sides then disconnect.
2) Remove the wires with the gold pins from the white connector as was done in the above