Rear Wheel Axle Assembly
Sprocket side
Order of Parts (Listed Left to Right) - Left Side: Nut, Washer, Tensioner, Frame, Large
Spacer, Sprocket.
Left Side Assembly: Large spacer is placed on the outside of the sprocket in between the
sprocket and frame of the scooter. On the outside of the scooter frame, place the chain
tensioner and finally washer and nut.
Brake side
Order of Parts (Listed Right to Left) - Right Side: Nut, Washer, Tensioner, Frame, Medium
Spacer, Brake Hub, Small Spacer, Gold Inside Hub.
Right Side Assembly: The small spacer goes inside the gold brake hub that is attached to
the rear wheel. The Brake hub goes next. Then is the medium spacer that is between the
outside of the brake hub and the scooter frame. On the outside of the scooter frame, place
the chain tensioner and finally the washer and nut.