f-Protection Module – Frequency [81O/U, 78, 81R]
Commissioning: df/dt
Object to be tested
All frequency protection stages that are projected as df/dt.
Necessary means
Three-phase voltage source.
Frequency generator that can generate and measure a linear, defined rate of change of frequency.
Testing the threshold values
Keep on increasing the rate of change of frequency until the respective element is activated.
Note the value.
Testing the trip delay
Set the test voltage to nominal frequency.
Now apply a step change (sudden change) that is 1.5 times the setting value (Example apply 3 Hz per
second if the setting value is 2 Hz per second).
Measure the tripping time at the relay output. Compare the measured tripping time to the parameterized.
Successful test result
Permissible deviations/tolerances and fallback ratios can be taken from the Technical Data.
Page 266
EN MRU4 10/09