Field Parameters
V Cutoff Level
The Phase Voltage
shown in the Display or
within the PC Software
will be displayed as zero,
if the Phase Voltage falls
below this Cutoff Level.
This parameter has no
impact on recorders. This
parameter is related to
the voltage that is
connected to the device
(phase-to-phase or
0.0 - 0.100Vn
[Device Para
/Measurem Display]
VE meas Cutoff Level
The measured Residual
Voltage shown in the
Display or within the PC
Software will be
displayed as zero, if the
measured Residual
Voltage falls below this
Cutoff Level. This
parameter has no impact
on recorders.
0.0 - 0.100Vn
[Device Para
/Measurem Display]
VE calc Cutoff Level
The calculated Residual
Voltage shown in the
Display or within the PC
Software will be
displayed as zero, if the
calculated Residual
Voltage falls below this
Cutoff Level. This
parameter has no impact
on recorders.
0.0 - 0.100Vn
[Device Para
/Measurem Display]
V012 Comp Cutoff Level The Symmetrical
Component shown in the
Display or within the PC
Software will be
displayed as zero, if the
Symmetrical Component
falls below this Cutoff
Level. This parameter
has no impact on
0.0 - 0.100Vn
[Device Para
/Measurem Display]
EN MRU4 10/09
Page 211