Pendulum Assembly
1 - Upper pendulum shaft (#37)
1 - Lower pendulum shaft (#14)
1 - Pendulum bracket (#32)
2 - ½" dowels
1 - 1/2"x 1/4-20 thumbscrew
2 - #4 x ½" screws
crutch arm (assembled previously)
pendulum bob (assembled previously)
Assembly Procedure
1) Sand edges of the two shaft pieces. Glue together the upper and lower pendulum shafts, with the ½"
dowels glued into the holes, pinning the pieces together. Make sure the upper shaft piece (#37) is on
top of the lower shaft piece (#14).
2) Touch up sand the pendulum edges where they overlap..
3) Drive the two #4 x ½" screws into the predrilled holes in the pendulum bracket (#32).