Great Wheel Arbor
1 - 64-tooth great wheel (#1)
1 - set washer (#13)
1 - 10 tooth gear (#7)
1 - 4 5/8" arbor
2 - spacer washers (#42)
Weight spool (assembled previously)
note: one set washer, hour gear, spacer washers, hour
hand, and minute hand will be installed on
this arbor after clock is assembled.
Assembly Procedure
Mount 64 tooth great wheel on arbor in position indicated in the Gear Locations diagram (see next
page). The side of the gear containing the rachet pawl must be toward the long end of the arbor.
Slide weight spool, rachet side first, onto the arbor. Twist the spool so the rachet teeth mesh with
the pawl. Slide a spacer washer onto the arbor, tight to the spool. Mount the 10 tooth gear on the
arbor, bringing it nearly in contact with the spacer washer (leave about 1/16" gap so that the spool
is free to rotate on the shaft without binding). Mount the set washer on the arbor in the position
indicated in the Gear Locations diagram. Place a spacer washer on the great wheel end of the
arbor. Additional components will be installed on this arbor after the arbor has been assembled in
the frame.