Operation & Maintenance
Control Overview
Operation & Maintenance
Control Overview
The Debarker Option allows you to remove bark from logs ahead of the bandsaw blade.
This prevents the bandsaw blade from contacting dirt, sand, or other debris in the bark
that can dull the blade.
See Figure 4-2.
The debarker control includes two toggle switches, an indicator light, and
circuit breakers with manual reset.
The Debarker IN/OUT toggle switch controls the debarker in/out motor to move the
debarker cutting head toward or away from the log. The sawmill key switch must be
on before the in/out function can be performed.
The Blade Motor ON/OFF toggle switch turns the blade motor on to start the
debarker blade. The sawmill key switch must be on and the sawmill power feed
drum switch must be activated in the forward direction before the blade motor can
be turned on.
The Blade ON indicator light comes on whenever the debarker blade motor is on.
The blade motor circuit breaker can be reset by pushing the boot-covered tab on the
side of the control box.
FIG. 4-2
Blade Motor
Debarker IN/OUT
Blade ON
Blade Motor
Circuit Breaker
In/Out Motor
Circuit Breaker
(Inside Box)