Page 16
7040317 - Revision A - September, 2015
Component Removal
Built-In (BI) Series
Built-In (BI) Series
(SWS #4380000)
(SWS #4380000)
Condenser Fan Motor
The condenser fan is mounted to the condenser fan
shroud with three fan mounting brackets that hook into
grommets that are in the condenser fan shroud. At the
back of the motor, screws pass through these brackets
into the back of the fan motor. The condenser fan
blade is pressed onto the fan motor.
To remove the condenser fan motor, first pull the con-
denser fan shroud assembly from the compressor area,
then (See Figure 6-116):
Extract screws securing motor to brackets.
The brackets will unhook from the grom-
mets in the shroud after the screws are removed.
To remove fan blade from fan motor, grab blade
and pull the blade from the motor shaft..
Water Filter Reset Switch
The water filter reset switch is secured to the inside of
the condenser shroud front flange by retaining clips.
To remove the water filter reset switch, first pull the con-
denser fan shroud assembly from the compressor area,
then (See Figure 6-117):
Disconnect electrical leads from switch.
Using a needle-nose pliers, compress the retaining
clips on switch body and push switch through con-
denser shroud flange.
Figure 6-116. Condenser Fan Motor Removal
Figure 6-117. Filter Reset Switch Removal